Meet the newest member at CymaSpace! Our Deaf puppet needs a name, maybe you can give them one?
Visual Description: Korian “Koko” Thomas, a Black DeafBlind disability advocate wears a brown cap and dark blue short-sleeve shirt. On Koko’s left is a hand-puppet with furry ash-colored hair and blue stripy arms with full articulating hands. The puppet also wears a blue hearing aid behind their left ear. Koko and the puppet are using American Sign Language and pro-tactile sign language. They are seated at a black table. Behind the duo is a bright elementary classroom with colorful chairs and a chalkboard set further back.
3D backgrounds for “This Deaf Puppet Needs a Name” were created in Unreal Engine, post production compositing in Aximmetry, and editing in Premiere. Our technical software, camera and lighting resources produce a virtual production unequaled by any Deaf-led media studio.
Thanks to our sponsors for making this film possible; Aximmetry Technologies, Regional Arts and Culture Council and Oregon Community Foundation.