Special CymaSpace discount to ASL Interpreted Performance of Overview Effect

CymaSpace is pleased to partner with Portland Center Stage and Tylor Neist by offering discounted tickets to an ASL interpreted matinee multi-sensory performance of Overview Effect. Guests can expect an exciting fusion of voice narration (made accessible through ASL interpretation), NASA footage, electronic soundscapes and sound-reactive theatre magic and backed by the Bridgetown Orchestra.

Portland Center Stage / Ellyn Bye Studio
128 NW 11th Ave, Portland

Thursday, April 21, 2016 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (PDT)

Purchase Tickets
Discounted Tickets for CymaSpace Patrons.

Overview Effect by Portland composer and musician Tylor Neist takes us on an immersive theatrical and musical journey through the cosmos to explore the link between our inner and outer worlds. This innovative, hour-long performance is a perfectly distilled and seamlessly interwoven capsule of art and information that inspires self-reflection.

“Tylor Neist’s dramatic chamber-ensemble score controls the tone of the evening marvelously”
– Marty Hughley, The Oregonian

Neist’s gorgeous and mesmerizing musical score combines with breathtaking Hubble Telescope projections and historic Apollo footage to glorious affect. Further powered by live orchestra, electronic soundscapes, spoken word, theater magic, Portland Center Stage’s intimate Ellyn Bye Studio will come alive with possibility.

To receive your discount to the ASL interpreted performance, please follow the special eventbrite link to purchase tickets at $20 (full price $45), up to 1 hour before the show begins at 2pm, Thursday 21st 2016.


What is CymaSpace?

  • Accessibility & Inclusion

    CymaSpace is a leading advocate for accessibility and inclusion within performing arts, cultural events, and media broadcasting for DHH people. We are constantly striving to find new ways to ensure our venue and events are inclusive, especially to DHH  communities.

  • Technology & Arts Incubator

    We provide incubator services for new fledgling organizations and communities that are exploring emerging concepts in combining technology and the arts.

  • Education & Outreach

    We provide educational opportunities for artists, the general public and other performance venues interested in incorporating our unique, cymatic concepts into their work.

  • Cymatic Study

    CymaSpace is an epicenter for Cymatic study and we are committed to raising awareness of and promoting the benefits of Cymatics (the science and study of sound made visible).