CymaSpace, now supported by Amazon Smile!

Shop at Amazon Smile and support CymaSpace, completely obligation free!

Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know that Amazon have a special program called Amazon Smile where they will donate 0.5% of the price of any items purchased by Amazon customers to the charity of their choice.

Amazon Smile has approved CymaSpace as one such registered charity so you can now indirectly support CymaSpace and our mission to make performing arts more accessible. It’s super easy and does not cost you anything, all you need to do is visit, select CymaSpace as your supported organization and continue using and shopping on Amazon as normal.

If you find yourself forgetting to go to instead of the regular you can install these handy browser extensions to ensure you’ll always goto smile first. We thank you for your support, happy shopping!

What is CymaSpace?

  • Accessibility & Inclusion

    CymaSpace is a leading advocate for accessibility and inclusion within performing arts, cultural events, and media broadcasting for DHH people. We are constantly striving to find new ways to ensure our venue and events are inclusive, especially to DHH  communities.

  • Technology & Arts Incubator

    We provide incubator services for new fledgling organizations and communities that are exploring emerging concepts in combining technology and the arts.

  • Education & Outreach

    We provide educational opportunities for artists, the general public and other performance venues interested in incorporating our unique, cymatic concepts into their work.

  • Cymatic Study

    CymaSpace is an epicenter for Cymatic study and we are committed to raising awareness of and promoting the benefits of Cymatics (the science and study of sound made visible).