CymaSpace has moved to a new location in SE Portland OR, we are now located in the Sprout Factory, the new address is:
931 SE 6th Ave, Portland OR 97214. (Google Maps)

All new facilities
The new facilities will allow us to host bigger events, accommodate larger crowds and better support our vibrant arts community. There is a fantastic raised staged, a kitchen/serving area and roll-up garage door, perfect for Sunny weather and ADA access.

The Sprout Factory is a shared facility bursting full of creative professionals and start-ups, it’s an amazing atmosphere to work in but to ensure effective co-habitation, CymaSpace now has some etiquette and simple rules for guests and volunteers:
Etiquette for Guests and Volunteers
- You are welcome to visit via appointment or during public events
- To enter, ring the doorbell located at the white garage door entrance and announce the name of the event or person you are visiting.
- Please bring ID (even if underage) and be prepared to check-in.
- For the duration you are on-site please obey our code of conduct.
- Please stick to the designated event areas and do not wander into other tenant spaces or prohibited areas.
- If you require assistance, ask for a CymaSpace staff or volunteer member, please do not bother other tenants (except in case of emergencies).